Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The University On Wheels

Your Own Personal Mind Power Workshop on Wheels

I remember years ago when I first started to delve into the power of the mind and how I could use it for my benefit, a mentor of mine always suggested I turn my radio off and start listening to self help tapes...

I was about 20 years old and I was listening to rock music, but I soon started to mix in some really good self help tapes that allowed me at a young age to grasp some of the profound concepts of the mind... Thats me around the time I decided to stop being a "Muscle Head" and begin to become a "Mental Head".

Tapes like the following:

- The Strangest Secret

- Jim Rohn

- Tony Robbins

- Brian Tracy

- Og Mandino

- Norman Vincent Peale

And many, many others...By the way, if you haven't heard "THE STRANGEST SECRET"...You need to do it immediately..(Maybe I'll make it available soon, who knows)

One of the most important things you can do is begin to allow and enable yourself to learn things at an accelerated level...

Keep an eye out for your email box, because I am going to be offering a FREE video that will be covering what it takes to get into control and stay in control and some other important factors...

Now, enough of the commercial...So what does that mean?

It means you can turn your car into a "University on wheels". So whatever you may have missed over the years, you can plug in and get a great amount of information that will help you get to where you want to go...

In my opinion, one of the very best inventions is the IPOD...I mean, you can load movies, songs and yes, instructional material...If you don't have an IPOD or other MP3 player and you are interested in becoming a master of your domain, you need to go out and buy one.

Can you imagine, listening to my new Closed Door Hypnosis Files or Mind Portal Course anytime you want, wherever you want? And not just my stuff, but now you will have an endless learning experience that can allow you to grow like never before...I am an MP3 Maniac when it comes to enriching my mind, and you should be too....

How bad do you want to learn?

How much flight time are you willing to put in to learn secrets of the mind or any other topic of interest you want to learn?

Here is another tid bit- Just listened to "THE POWER OF NOW" by Ekhart Toll, what a deep program, but interesting none the less... It is only through learning to be the best that you will actually manifest that in the real world....

I get smarter, stronger and become more of a controller, because I take a daily dose of "Mental Medicine" through reading and listening...

Napoleon Hill the great author of THINK AND GROW RICH, said you need "SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE', not generalized knowledge...

Pick your program, load it on your IPOD and begin the process of becoming....You'll be glad you did!


