Thursday, November 22, 2007


You don't have to celebrate Thanksgiving to be thankful...

I thank all of you for reading my letters, studying my courses, and
just being the type of person who wants more out of life..

Being thankful is one of the most powerful of all mental
purities... It allows you to recognize those things you
are thankful for.

The amazing thing, is that when you give thanks, you set up
an undeniable conduit between you and the party you are giving thanks

When you thank God, he sees you as a faithful servant that appreciates
all he has done for you...

When you thank your spouse, you let them know how special they are to
you and that you truly do appreciate them...

You should be thankful for everything...

Even the things you consider bad...Why?

Because the power of thankfulness for your challenges, recognizes
the fact that you appreciate that struggle, and that it is temporary.


"Thank you Lord for the challenges you have blessed me with, because
I know that through these challenges, I will be blessed in the future even
greater and I thank you for that."

I remember hearing a speach where the person said you should be thankful for
every area of your life, and then and only then would you really be in peace
with yourself.


As I reflect on that, I agree, that when I am thankful for all, my life runs
smoothly. When I complain and wish I had another lot in life, it goes into the chaotic

The other benefit, is that it is so easy to be thankful. All you have to do is
say it... It is FREE, and yet can richly bless you continually...

Say it to your spouse, friends, business partners, family, co-workers, etc. The nice thing
is that when you thank someone, you bless them as well as yourself.

When you enjoy yourself on this Thanksgiving Day in front of the Turkey, Football and Pumpkin Pie,
allow yourself to really reflect what you are thankful for. And when you do, you can expect
that power to visit you in the future.


A.Thomas Perhacs

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The University On Wheels

Your Own Personal Mind Power Workshop on Wheels

I remember years ago when I first started to delve into the power of the mind and how I could use it for my benefit, a mentor of mine always suggested I turn my radio off and start listening to self help tapes...

I was about 20 years old and I was listening to rock music, but I soon started to mix in some really good self help tapes that allowed me at a young age to grasp some of the profound concepts of the mind... Thats me around the time I decided to stop being a "Muscle Head" and begin to become a "Mental Head".

Tapes like the following:

- The Strangest Secret

- Jim Rohn

- Tony Robbins

- Brian Tracy

- Og Mandino

- Norman Vincent Peale

And many, many others...By the way, if you haven't heard "THE STRANGEST SECRET"...You need to do it immediately..(Maybe I'll make it available soon, who knows)

One of the most important things you can do is begin to allow and enable yourself to learn things at an accelerated level...

Keep an eye out for your email box, because I am going to be offering a FREE video that will be covering what it takes to get into control and stay in control and some other important factors...

Now, enough of the commercial...So what does that mean?

It means you can turn your car into a "University on wheels". So whatever you may have missed over the years, you can plug in and get a great amount of information that will help you get to where you want to go...

In my opinion, one of the very best inventions is the IPOD...I mean, you can load movies, songs and yes, instructional material...If you don't have an IPOD or other MP3 player and you are interested in becoming a master of your domain, you need to go out and buy one.

Can you imagine, listening to my new Closed Door Hypnosis Files or Mind Portal Course anytime you want, wherever you want? And not just my stuff, but now you will have an endless learning experience that can allow you to grow like never before...I am an MP3 Maniac when it comes to enriching my mind, and you should be too....

How bad do you want to learn?

How much flight time are you willing to put in to learn secrets of the mind or any other topic of interest you want to learn?

Here is another tid bit- Just listened to "THE POWER OF NOW" by Ekhart Toll, what a deep program, but interesting none the less... It is only through learning to be the best that you will actually manifest that in the real world....

I get smarter, stronger and become more of a controller, because I take a daily dose of "Mental Medicine" through reading and listening...

Napoleon Hill the great author of THINK AND GROW RICH, said you need "SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE', not generalized knowledge...

Pick your program, load it on your IPOD and begin the process of becoming....You'll be glad you did!



Saturday, July 14, 2007

What is Closed Door Hypnosis?

What is Closed Door Hypnosis?

Sounds mysterious doesn't it?

Well, in some ways it is, because being a Closed Door student means that you are learning things that others aren't....

The sessions are closed off to but a certain few that have qualified to be in there... The question is do you have what it takes to learn the methods and stick to the training?

Oh yes, this takes training, alot of training...This is mental training at it's finest. The Closed Door training was that few extra tid-bits of info that everyone else wanted to know, but didn't...

I searched for a long time, knocking on many doors, learning some pretty good stuff, but finally I met some of the people that would blow my mind with the cutting edge stuff they taught me...CLOSED DOOR HYPNOSIS...

Being a Closed Door student means you need to have an above average level of intensity and willingness to train your mind to accept the concepts being taught to it. This sounds simple, and it is if you apply yourself, but many quit before mastery is accomplished...

Closed Door Hypnosis also refers to the fact that there are some concepts that are taught that are specifically designed to accelerate your training and understanding of how the Hypnotic Influence process works...

Sometimes the most amazingly simple things are the ones that work, while other times it is knowledge that is born from someone else's vast memory of techniques to become a Controller...

In fact, what would you pay to learn with definiteness, that you could become a Controller of yourself and others?

When someone has expertise in an area, you grab it, while you can. You find out all the nuances in order to make it happen big time...Get what I mean?

As a matter of fact, just this last week, I spent close to $1,000 on advanced training with a couple of my mentors. Is it worth the cost? If I only get one good idea that allows me to break through to the next level, it would be worth ten (10) times that amount...

"Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be open to you"

The first person, who adequately sends me an email with the correct interpratation and where that is from, will receive my new "CLOSED DOOR HYPNOSIS FILES" Course, which has just launched. I will send you the electronic version and post your name and where you are from on my website, so everyone can see that I am a man of my word...

Speaking of words...They have power, don't they? Once you understand completely how they work and how when you combine them with some of my Super Controller techniques, you will be amazed!

The CLOSED DOOR is now open, and I can guarantee you will receive more value from it than you can ever even imagine in your wildest dreams...

I have combined my MANIPULATION & ULTIMATE HYPNOTIC INFLUENCE courses, with some neat bonuses at a great price. It is now available in electronic format as well as hard copy...

NOw, whether you live in the USA, Europe, Asia or anywhere else in this world, you can order the CLOSED DOOR HYPNOSIS FILES and have them immediately in your email box for downloading right now... My policy has always been to send the electronic files even if you ordered the hard copy, that way you can access right away, while your waiting for your mailman...

Take a look for yourself and see if it's something that you would enjoy learning...Whether you decide to take this on, drop me a line and let me know what you think of the site.

Have a great weekend...

Respectfully Yours,


Some Thoughts on Mind Control

Almost weekly, I get either phone calls or emails from someone interested in Controlling someone….Of course with a course called Manipulation, it is not hard to see why I get these types of inquiries…

I have included in this post a link to great show on “Mind Control” that the History channel did and is now on Google in its entirety (but don’t know for how long)….What you will learn is some of the methods used over the years to control others for various uses and reasons…..

We all exert some level of Mind Control to people all the time, we just don’t know it or realize it….Once you begin to see the value of learning how to get control of yourself through a course like “Manipulation”, you will then begin to see how you can get more control over others….

Keep in mind that controlling others should not be the main thrust of what you are looking to do, because that in itself is a negative concept…..If you can control someone in a way that benefits them, ie, help them lose weight or get rid of a negative habit, then you are assisting in a positive way….

There are universal laws that work in mysterious ways as well……You will find that the more you try to control someone, the more you will be controlled by others in one way or the other…..Trust me, these are truths that always work….Cause and Effect if you will…

Mind Control is the gentle Manipulation you can use to bring someone over to your way of thinking….Hypnosis is subtle Mind Control…Mind to Mind Communication is “Covert Influence” at its best…..

Mind Control is neither good or bad, it just is…..It is all based on your Intention….If you have good intentions the control can be a Win Win (always the best strategy), if the intentions are bad, they are destructive, and not suggested….

A good parent controls the mind of their child for as long as they can, to make sure they learn right from wrong, and to keep them safe from the dangers of life….A bad parent that uses no control, finds children who are “out of control” (where did you think that term came from?)…..This is an example of how Mind Control can be favorable…..It also shows how the opposite of control is not favorable…..

Again, it is the intent…….

When thinking of Mind Control, think of how you could use it to benefit yourself or others, not just how you can Manipulate for your own personal gain…..During this season, it is always better to give than to receive…..

Here is a gift from you, in terms of an interesting video I found on the web while searching for even more useful information for my clients on The Power of The Mind….

Mind Control, Americas Secret War


A. T.

Enter The Advanced Mind Power Secrets Vault

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have secrets that no one else has?

Well, that is what you will find in the “Mind Power Secrets Vault”. We will be exploring the most powerful concepts of the mind and how you can access them on demand……Imagine that, Mind Power on Demand……

We will have some excellent articles as well MP3 Interviews and other interesting information…..This is exactlly what you have been searching for……

This is a membership Vault, and the only way you get an invite is when you sign up for the Mind Power Secrets Vault…..

Enjoy the learning,