Saturday, July 14, 2007

What is Closed Door Hypnosis?

What is Closed Door Hypnosis?

Sounds mysterious doesn't it?

Well, in some ways it is, because being a Closed Door student means that you are learning things that others aren't....

The sessions are closed off to but a certain few that have qualified to be in there... The question is do you have what it takes to learn the methods and stick to the training?

Oh yes, this takes training, alot of training...This is mental training at it's finest. The Closed Door training was that few extra tid-bits of info that everyone else wanted to know, but didn't...

I searched for a long time, knocking on many doors, learning some pretty good stuff, but finally I met some of the people that would blow my mind with the cutting edge stuff they taught me...CLOSED DOOR HYPNOSIS...

Being a Closed Door student means you need to have an above average level of intensity and willingness to train your mind to accept the concepts being taught to it. This sounds simple, and it is if you apply yourself, but many quit before mastery is accomplished...

Closed Door Hypnosis also refers to the fact that there are some concepts that are taught that are specifically designed to accelerate your training and understanding of how the Hypnotic Influence process works...

Sometimes the most amazingly simple things are the ones that work, while other times it is knowledge that is born from someone else's vast memory of techniques to become a Controller...

In fact, what would you pay to learn with definiteness, that you could become a Controller of yourself and others?

When someone has expertise in an area, you grab it, while you can. You find out all the nuances in order to make it happen big time...Get what I mean?

As a matter of fact, just this last week, I spent close to $1,000 on advanced training with a couple of my mentors. Is it worth the cost? If I only get one good idea that allows me to break through to the next level, it would be worth ten (10) times that amount...

"Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be open to you"

The first person, who adequately sends me an email with the correct interpratation and where that is from, will receive my new "CLOSED DOOR HYPNOSIS FILES" Course, which has just launched. I will send you the electronic version and post your name and where you are from on my website, so everyone can see that I am a man of my word...

Speaking of words...They have power, don't they? Once you understand completely how they work and how when you combine them with some of my Super Controller techniques, you will be amazed!

The CLOSED DOOR is now open, and I can guarantee you will receive more value from it than you can ever even imagine in your wildest dreams...

I have combined my MANIPULATION & ULTIMATE HYPNOTIC INFLUENCE courses, with some neat bonuses at a great price. It is now available in electronic format as well as hard copy...

NOw, whether you live in the USA, Europe, Asia or anywhere else in this world, you can order the CLOSED DOOR HYPNOSIS FILES and have them immediately in your email box for downloading right now... My policy has always been to send the electronic files even if you ordered the hard copy, that way you can access right away, while your waiting for your mailman...

Take a look for yourself and see if it's something that you would enjoy learning...Whether you decide to take this on, drop me a line and let me know what you think of the site.

Have a great weekend...

Respectfully Yours,



natedog1956 said...

seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened come;s from the BIBLE

Mike Scott said...

From the New Testament, Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. These are the words of Jesus Christ recited again in Luke 11:9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. The verse from the Bible that comes to mind and which I believe most fully supports its meaning is that of Hebrew 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So when we ask we must ask in faith and it will be given. When we seek, we must seek in faith and we will find. When we knock, we must knock in faith and the door will be opened, for no logical reason other than we BELIEVE. Is that not how Peter walked on water?

Mind Hopper said...

Hello Mr Perhacs
Concerning the phrase "Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will open for you."
These words of wisdom come from the ultimate Book of Knowledge, The Holy Bible. These words were spoken by Jesus himself to his disciples in the Book of Matthew, chapter 7 verse 7. They were spoken by Jesus again in the Book of Luke, chapter 11 verse 9. This concept was also conveyed in James 1:5.
To me, "Seek" means you can't just glance and attain what you are trying to achieve. It goes a lot deeper than that. "Seek" shows a deep desire and a lasting commitment to look for the answers you want. To explore all of the possibilities, and to study exhaustively each avenue that each possibility leads you to.
You stated you are still learning from "the masters" and hope to find even one piece of knowledge to take you to the next level. I think this shows how deep and diverse the information database really is. I imagine even the "masters" are still studying to learn even one more concept, to attain and even higher level of understanding themselves.
I think the phrase Jesus spoke "and you will find" is a promise and a reassurance to us that the answers to our quest are readily avialable, if we take the initiative and do our part and really "Seek".
"Knock, and the door will open for you". I think this expands on what Jesus had just said. This lets us know that we will have to spend some time and energy in our process of "Seeking". It shows the physical aspect of "Seeking".
Just as you stated in your teachings that we will need to listen to the information several times to start to learn it. I think Jesus was reviewing what he had said, and put into different words so it could remembered by his followers. Then He added the physical aspect of "Seeking" to show some effort would be required.
He stated it again and again in the Bible for further review on our part. I believe these are additional invitations from Him to share some of His infinite knowledge with us.

Have a great day