Thursday, April 23, 2009

Meditation and Qigong, What's the Difference?


Qigong is a Chinese concept that helps in collecting and distributing energy to different parts of the body. The concept is quite younger than meditation, and mainly deals with health maintenance issues. It is also gaining wide acceptance in China and other parts of the world for varied purposes, chiefly health maintenance, as a medical profession, or even as a form of spiritual exercise.

Although the technique primarily addresses physical health issues, some form of breathing exercises are also a part of highly evolved Qigong procedures. Qigong evens helps you in learning Chinese Martial Art skills, as it centres on the concept of optimization of energy channels within the human body and thereby helps you in maximizing the use of energy you possess.


Meditation primarily has Indo-European origin and is designed to help the individual in getting into deeper state of mental awareness. It also helps in reconditioning our thought processes. The technique has been a trademark of several religious activities and in Indian mythology. It is often seen as a way to set up linkages with god.

The concept is gaining wide applicability in the present scenario and has turned out to be an effective measure for minimizing various day-to-day strains and anxieties. This activity largely focuses on revitalizing mental processes; such as, increasing concentration levels, achieving high state of mental consciousness, improving creativity and analytical skills.


The two concepts have basic differences in terms of application of the procedure. As meditation doesn't involve any sort of physical work-outs, neither it has an explicit effects over the health of individual; whereas Qigong mainly hops around the issue of health maintenance.

And know you know!

Scientific Premium Company-USA/Sifu Perhacs create many unique and esoteric courses on meditation, chi power, qigong,healing methods, and other topics. For a FREE 45 minute audio seminar and report go to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is Astral Projecting Possible?

Astral projection is the dimension ahead of the material dimension; that is our physical body and environment etc. People who undergo this describe it as the time of different perspective. They can even see their own body because in astral projection there is no boundary on vision.

One can see up and down, right and left, front and back at the same instant. In case you are interested in this topic, you can consult specialists in this field. Incidentally many of them hold the workshop for the people who want to go through astral projection at a nominal fee.

How this can be done?

To start with this procedure, one has to undergo the training course under the direct supervision of a specialist or professional. Some spiritual centers provide study materials in order to read about the procedure and then give it a try, too. And there are ebooks that are freely available on the internet to help you set off on this wonderful journey.


A.Thomas Perhacs, an Expert Author on Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence, just re-released his best selling book, "Manipulation, The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence." Go to to Claim Your 45 minute audio seminar and report.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Two Keys to Hypnosis Success

Hypnotism as it looks is not so simple. Few basic requirements such as Willingness and Co-operation of the subject, bond of trust between subject and hypnotist, trained background of the hypnotist, and most importantly the absence of pre considered notion about hypnotism are mandatory for its success.

Trust Between Subject and Hypnotist

Usually people have fear or apprehension in mind about the hypnotist and hypnotism in general. They feel that their secrets can be extracted and used for blackmailing them. So the hypnotist has a huge responsibility of maintaining professional integrity.

Sound Technical Expertise of the Hypnotist

Quality of hypnotist marks quality of hypnosis. If the Hypnotist is the likeable figure and emanates warmth and love, then his work becomes easy. People are easily attracted to such qualities and let their mind loose.

Learn more:

A. Thomas Perhacs, an Expert Author on Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence, just re-released his best selling book, "Manipulation, The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence." Go to to Claim Your 45 minute audio seminar and report.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Secret Subliminal Messages of Today

Times have changed. And subliminal messages techniques and systems have changed, using short, repetitive messages via computers today.

Example: Subliminal Computer Self Help

A popular product line in the marketplace today is a subliminal message script. You purchase the script and it usually comes in the form of an executable file that you download and save to your computer, then click to start.

Once you start or activate it, you often find preloaded message series that can help with any number of issues like smoking cessation, weight loss, overcoming addiction, improving your self esteem and more. The message can even be customized or you can load your own series.

A series may include some 10 to 20 short messages like:

1. I can stop smoking and I will.
2. I do not need a cigarette. Instead, breathing in good, fresh air smells and feels great.
3. Instead of spending money on cigarettes, I will save my money & spend it later, however I like.
4. My health is improving every day.
5. My lungs are getting stronger and healthier.
6. Etc.

Then you go into your control panel of the software script, and set a timer that tells how fast your messages will be displayed, like every second or so. Try the default and ones recommended, and adjust as needed.


A.Thomas Perhacs, an Expert Author on Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence, just re-released his best selling book, "Manipulation, The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence." Go to to Claim Your 45 minute audio seminar and report.

Monday, April 13, 2009

3 Steps to Conversational Hypnosis

Conversation Hypnosis is an art that one can learn with patience and perfect application. We have listed below three simple steps in which you too learn the ropes of this technique and command influence over others.

Step 1

Build Friendly Warmth With The Other Person: This is the first step in getting to know another person. The earlier you do it, the quicker it will be to persuade him or her. The easiest step is to get down to the level of the listener.
Listen patiently and weigh what is being spoken. Usually people give lot of hints, although unintentionally about their choices, likes and dislikes.

Pick up these clues and create the comprehensive figure. Upon finding the loopholes, use them as your weapon, of course not immediately. For example, if your friend expresses his feeling of hatred for small cars, then you should go along with it. Never mind the fact that you do not have to counsel him before he buys a car because his budget as well as his emotions will direct him on which car, big or small, he is going to purchase. You just need to know that he has a preference for big things in general.

Step 2

Create Confusion: After following the 1st step try to offer various solutions to the disoriented mind in tactful way of talking. At times you may need to create distraction by asking questions that do not relate to his current situation. Once you have gotten him sufficiently distracted, try to get deep into his mind for finding hidden information and choices without him realizing it.

Step 3

Offer Suggestions to the Confused Mind: On confirming that the listener has become thoroughly puzzled, next offer suggestions. This has two benefits, the first being that he will take you as your guide, instructor or whatever you want to be. And secondly, he will have no option other than following you at that point of time. This is what you desired.

These techniques can act as a booster to your already bloating career or will become assets to your business. However, here is a word of caution. Do not get discouraged by any possible failure at first attempt. People who go ahead with great zeal but become disheartened by tasting defeat in the first attempt, are unlikely to be good hypnotists. One has to bear in mind that repeated practice is necessary to make perfection.


A. Thomas Perhacs, an Expert Author on Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence, just re-released his best selling book, "Manipulation, The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence." Go to to Claim Your 45 minute audio seminar and report.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

About the Law of Attraction

If you notice carefully you will see that most of the time we don’t think too much of what is happening to us everyday. We pay even lesser attention to what is happening to someone else around us. We are so busy trying to complete one task after another that we fail to explore and experience each of them separately.

- With a little self awareness we might be able to eradicate most of the bad energy around us and envelope ourselves in positive energy.
Stop complaining about what you don’t have and start gushing about what you do have. Instead of going over the details of all your failures and shortcomings in life you should think of what you have achieved and how much there is left for you to achieve.

If you want something for yourself pretend like you already have it. Doing so will bring about a positive reaction in you, which in turn will give out a positive energy. If you don’t want something to happen, don’t think of it in the negative. Think of it in a positive way and tell yourself that it will NOT happen instead of thinking of NOT WANTING it to happen.

Learn more about the Law of Attraction today. And do something positive for yourself and others.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Meditation and Remote Viewing, Astral Projection and OBE

There normally comes a point in your life that you think life is too harsh. You want to escape reality even for a while.

Indeed, there is literally no one in this world who doesn't seem to wish to be able to forget all the hustles and bustles in life even for a very short time. Feeling so tired doing your daily activities, it makes a worthwhile reason to rid of the negative vibes and voices in your head. One technique which some individuals apply is that of meditation to perform truly esoteric skills.

Meditation is believed to endow a particular kind of clarity of the mind as well as put the body into such a relaxing state. This means that the physical body loses its connection to the outside world. But then again, learning how to properly meditate takes a long time. It is likened to learning the art of playing the piano. It is not learned via a single session. As a learner of meditation, it is required of you to devote enough time to learn the right techniques.

Oftentimes, the art of meditation is associated with a psychic ability. There are certainly people who are skilled in astral projection, remote viewing, and OBE or out of body experiences. These skills will never be carried out without the ample knowledge and technique to be applied.

In a strictest sense, psychic points out to a wide range of skills as well as sets of phenomena which often lead the practitioners to know what is going to happen even when the action has not yet taken place. Anyhow, there are a lot of techniques and kinds of meditation to perform truly esoteric skills. Among the most common include remote viewing, astral projection, and OBE. Let us see what each of them means.

Remote Viewing

This refers to the process of foreseeing or knowing what is actually happening in a different location right at the moment. It involves perceiving who are the people present in the place, what clothes they are wearing, and what they are talking about.

Out of Body Experience or OBE

This means traveling to another dimension by leaving the physical body. Practicing such can be really difficult and skepticism is not at all welcomed. There must be no factors that will block your entrance into a new world that is far different from yours.

There are techniques that need to be studied and the consistency in its practice is important to further program your mind into the act. More so, being calm plays an important role. Have the mindset that nothing or no one will harm you or else everything will stop. Soon enough, you will be taken back into the real world by any form of thought or sound.

Astral Projection

This term is also associated with OBE. It refers to the act of your consciousness that leaves your body and it exists into another plain which allows you to prove that you can do things which were once thought to be part of your limitations. This is said to only happen during the time of deep meditation and occurs mostly to people who are in deep crises.

You see, there are varied ways of achieving meditation to perform truly esoteric skills. While some claim to be in these situations as they have the so-called near-death experiences, being able to manifest these actions more often than not require the adept skills.

A. Thomas Perhacs, is an Expert Author on Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence. He has just released (2) two new books on Hypnosis & Mind Force Secrets. To Claim Your 1 hour audio seminar, report & Video Series go to:

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Missing Link Between Mind Power and the Power of Attraction

Great sages of the world both past and present insist that if you need anything, all you do is ask for it and it shall be yours. But although many people do ask for many things that they desire, not everyone gets all that he or she asks for.

The million-dollar question is why when it seems like some people can get nearly all they desire, others do not?

The answer to this is that only a few really know how to ask. If you know how to ask right, then you have learnt the art of attraction.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that when your collective consciousness is strong, then you can manifest what you desire. To achieve a strong collective or accumulative consciousness one needs to focus the mind. By gathering all thoughts and having, a steady mind one can attract all abundance in their lives.

Meditation is great way to increase your mind power.

In a nutshell, most basic concentration techniques that have evolved today are based on meditation. In meditation, one learns to calm the mind, which in turn helps in increasing the ability to focus. The moment the mind is able to achieve a one pointed focus state, then the person is able to manifest whatever he or she desires with ease. All they need to do is go into a deep meditation state and think of their desire and it manifests automatically.

Meditation is a means to clear our minds, filled with unwanted negative thoughts and in turn replace with positive ones. These negative thoughts stand in the way of attraction. The more positive we are, the more we are able to attract all that we want in our lives.

Common desires of people are money and love. These are the most important things that everyone wants to attract in their lives. To attract others, focus your mind power on love. Begin by imagining the person you want to attract and send them thoughts that are full of love that comes from your heart. Keep visualizing this feeling of intense love for them and you will be surprised when they do indeed reciprocate your love.

Money is something that everyone needs and wants to attract. Money means abundance in life. To attract abundance you need to clear away all negative thought from your mind. Both your conscious and sub conscious minds contain loads of negative thought that have been accumulated over many births. All these have to be cleared and the only way of achieving this is through mind power or meditation.

Learn to focus your mind by learning to release all these unwanted thoughts and learning to be aware of a clear mind. A mind that is free of thoughts becomes highly focused and is a powerful tool that can be used for attraction.

By learning techniques that help us achieve grater focus of our mind, we are on our way to attract all that we need in this human life. It is advisable to focus our mind on attracting only those things that would be for our highest good or for the good of humanity.

A. Thomas Perhacs, is an Expert Author on Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence. He has just released (2) two new books on Hypnosis & Mind Force Secrets. To Claim Your 1 hour audio seminar, report & Video Series go to: