Monday, March 23, 2009

The Missing Link Between Mind Power and the Power of Attraction

Great sages of the world both past and present insist that if you need anything, all you do is ask for it and it shall be yours. But although many people do ask for many things that they desire, not everyone gets all that he or she asks for.

The million-dollar question is why when it seems like some people can get nearly all they desire, others do not?

The answer to this is that only a few really know how to ask. If you know how to ask right, then you have learnt the art of attraction.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that when your collective consciousness is strong, then you can manifest what you desire. To achieve a strong collective or accumulative consciousness one needs to focus the mind. By gathering all thoughts and having, a steady mind one can attract all abundance in their lives.

Meditation is great way to increase your mind power.

In a nutshell, most basic concentration techniques that have evolved today are based on meditation. In meditation, one learns to calm the mind, which in turn helps in increasing the ability to focus. The moment the mind is able to achieve a one pointed focus state, then the person is able to manifest whatever he or she desires with ease. All they need to do is go into a deep meditation state and think of their desire and it manifests automatically.

Meditation is a means to clear our minds, filled with unwanted negative thoughts and in turn replace with positive ones. These negative thoughts stand in the way of attraction. The more positive we are, the more we are able to attract all that we want in our lives.

Common desires of people are money and love. These are the most important things that everyone wants to attract in their lives. To attract others, focus your mind power on love. Begin by imagining the person you want to attract and send them thoughts that are full of love that comes from your heart. Keep visualizing this feeling of intense love for them and you will be surprised when they do indeed reciprocate your love.

Money is something that everyone needs and wants to attract. Money means abundance in life. To attract abundance you need to clear away all negative thought from your mind. Both your conscious and sub conscious minds contain loads of negative thought that have been accumulated over many births. All these have to be cleared and the only way of achieving this is through mind power or meditation.

Learn to focus your mind by learning to release all these unwanted thoughts and learning to be aware of a clear mind. A mind that is free of thoughts becomes highly focused and is a powerful tool that can be used for attraction.

By learning techniques that help us achieve grater focus of our mind, we are on our way to attract all that we need in this human life. It is advisable to focus our mind on attracting only those things that would be for our highest good or for the good of humanity.

A. Thomas Perhacs, is an Expert Author on Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence. He has just released (2) two new books on Hypnosis & Mind Force Secrets. To Claim Your 1 hour audio seminar, report & Video Series go to:

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